I’m reaching out on behalf of the Association of Research Libraries to invite you to participate in a study to learn more about the requirements for enhancing the discovery, stewardship, and linking of distributed digital humanities research.
The study overall is investigating the requirements to link distributed digital humanities scholarship so that the scholarship is more findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR). More information about this project may be found on the project website: https://osf.io/kx2cy/. The purpose of this focus group is to better understand the workflows and stewardship of digital humanities scholarship. You have been asked to participate because we have identified that you create or steward digital humanities scholarship.
Participants will be asked to take part in a one and a half hour, in-depth semi-structured focus group. During the focus group session, we will ask you (and your colleagues) questions about your experience and preferences in discovering and sharing digital humanities scholarship. Interviews will be audio recorded and then coded. Aggregated, coded answers will be shared but your name will not be associated with any of your comments. Any directly identifying information will be redacted. Audio recordings will be destroyed after coding.
The focus group here will take place at Butler Library on Columbia’s campus. It is scheduled for June 5 at 1:30pm (in the Studio at Butler). Light refreshments will be provided. If you can attend, please register here: https://goo.gl/forms/uNE9iPBWZ6O4SU9x2 by May 15, 2018.
All the best,