Contingency & DH
Public Group active 11 years, 5 months agoThis is an ad hoc group formed during the NYC-DH Unconference (9/28/13) for those interested in having extended conversations about issues surrounding contingent teaching (“adjuncting”), academic freedom, and the digital humanities.
Aaron Plasek posted an update in the group
Contingency & DH 11 years ago
We had our first meeting tonight via gchat. If you want to join us for future meetings, send me a message!
A rough outline of what we talked about can be found here:
For the next 12 days we’re going to be putting together a mission statement. If…[Read more]
Angus Grieve-Smith replied to the topic Our First Meeting! in the forum
Contingency & DH 11 years ago
Yes, I can do 8:30, but if most of us are going to be virtual I’ll be virtual too. My google account is grvsmth.
Aaron Plasek replied to the topic Our First Meeting! in the forum
Contingency & DH 11 years ago
Alas, I also can’t make tomorrow at 7 pm either, but I can meet up at 8:30 pm. Would that work better, Angus? (I’ll be at the Humanities Initiative space at 8 pm if you want to meet up there and be in the same physical room for the gchat, Angus.)
Also, Dimitris was able to confirm that he could meet at 7 pm tomorrow. Not sure if he’s available to…[Read more]
Angus Grieve-Smith replied to the topic Our First Meeting! in the forum
Contingency & DH 11 years ago
Thanks for getting the ball rolling, Aaron! 7PM is the worst time for me on Wednesdays. Evenings, the best times for me to chat are 8PM or 10:30PM.
1) If any of you have access to those spaces, I’d be happy to meet there. If we’re small enough (four people or less) we can meet in my windowless office at NYU; larger than that I can reserve a co…[Read more]
Aaron Plasek started the topic Our First Meeting! in the forum
Contingency & DH 11 years ago
Hello Friends!
Our first order of business is to find a time which we could all be available to participate in a Google Hangout. Would Wednesday, October 2nd at 7 pm EST be a good time for everyone to meet? Send me an email at and let me know. (If another time and day would be better, tell me that too.)
Questions on the…[Read more]
Katina Rogers joined the group
Contingency & DH 11 years ago
Dimitris Papadopoulos joined the group
Contingency & DH 11 years ago
Angus Grieve-Smith joined the group
Contingency & DH 11 years ago
Aaron Plasek created the group
Contingency & DH 11 years ago