This event sounds very fun, and yeah, seems an evolution from previous DH rocking/groking formats. Which is welcome!
In the spirit of putting something together, I’ve recently been working on our group’s thoughts about code and licenses (that’s the Digital Scholarship Group at Northeastern University). In particular, this really needed some tightening up. It’s not posted yet, but the idea is that there are lots of foundational thoughts about DH centers and the declarations of licenses involved.
Anyone else had these convos about open source code production in DH places, with or without lawyers? What licenses on code do you gravitate toward and why? How do license choices reflect your organization’s identity? How much control is there in your group for assigning a license?
If anyone out there has encountered these questions, I think it’d make a good panel discussion for this event. If there are folks who would like to speak to their experiences in this domain, I’m happy to try to pull it together into a panel proposal. Just lemme know either here or at
Thanks! Hope to hear from you