Please join us next Wednesday, March 2 from 1-2pm for “Measuring What Counts: Credentials or Learning?” This livestreamed discussion will focus on the social and political implications of the ways we test, grade, measure, rank, and assess. We will look at the ways our metrics can perpetuate inequality (race, gender, and class) and we will look at new, alternative methods of assessment that offer more fluid, equitable, and holistic ways of evaluating and supporting learning at every level.
We are delighted to welcome three renowned national figures on the topic of assessment: Anya Kamanetz, author of widely-acclaimed <i>The Test</i> and lead digital education reporter for NPR; Leah Gilliam, VP of Strategy and Innovation for Girls Who Code and former director of Mozilla’s Hive NYC Learning Network; and Bret Eynon, VP for Academic Affairs at LaGuardia Community College and a leader in the ePortfolio movement.
Please share this invitation with faculty, students, and staff in your programs. We hope you can join us!
WHERE: The Graduate Center, 365 Fifth Avenue
ROOM: C197
WHEN: Wednesday, March 2, 1:00 PM-2:00 PM
CONTACT INFO: futuresinitiative@gc.cuny.edu
The workshop will be livestreamed at http://bit.ly/FuturesED-live and live tweeted at the hashtag #fight4edu. Copies of The Test will be available for purchase and signing following the event. Light refreshments will be provided.