Monica McCormick and
Andie Silva are now friends 8 years ago
Monica McCormick started the topic Save the date: Open Access Week panel 10/26 at NYU in the forum
NYCDH Announcements 8 years ago
Join Digital Scholarship Services at NYU Libraries for an Open Access Week panel discussion on Wednesday, October 26, 2016.
Open in Action: New Options for Sharing Scholarship
In recent years, we’ve seen an increase in the number of digital repositories where scholars may freely share their publications and data. To celebrate Open Access Week,…[Read more]
Monica McCormick started the topic LODLAM Summit: Save the date! in the forum
NYCDH Announcements 8 years ago
Posted on behalf of Cristina Pattuelli
**************************************Dear colleagues,
We are delighted to announce that the Fourth International Linked Open Data in Libraries, Archives and Museums (LODLAM) Summit will be held in Venice, Italy, at the Fondazione Cini on 28-29 June, 2017.
Please save the date and check our website for…[Read more]
Monica McCormick started the topic "Publishing Art History Digitally: The Present and Future" in the forum
NYCDH Announcements 8 years ago
“Publishing Art History Digitally: The Present and Future”
Institute of Fine Arts, 1 East 78th Street, New York, Lecture Hall, October 14, 4 – 8 PMThis event brings together art historians and publishing experts to share their views on the future of publishing digital art history. Combining a lecture and two roundtables, this symposium will be o…[Read more]
Monica McCormick started the topic IIIF Consortium event in NY, May 10-13 in the forum
NYCDH Announcements 9 years ago
Members of NYUDH may not know of this event, organized by the IIIF Consortium. Of particular interest to the museum folks and art historians among us, but anybody working with images may find it useful.
The web site announcing the event: Free, but you need to register. The first day is an overview event (described briefly below), followed by a…[Read more]
Monica McCormick replied to the topic NYU Digital Humanities Project Showcase in the forum
NYCDH Announcements 9 years ago
Stephen, I believe you just have to show a photo ID and say you are going to the event.
Monica McCormick and
Martha Rust are now friends 9 years ago
Monica McCormick replied to the topic Recommend a print-on-demand service? in the forum
NYCDH Announcements 9 years ago
If this person is in New York, s/he could go to the NYU Bookstore on Broadway where they have an Espresso Book Machine for print on demand. More info here.
Amazon has a self-publishing service called (I think) CreateSpace, another is Lulu. Those, like Blurb, are also designed to help authors sell their stuff online. The Espresso machine just gets…[Read more]
Monica McCormick started the topic NYC DH Steering Group: learn about us in the forum
NYCDH Announcements 9 years ago
The NYC DH steering group met recently and agreed that we want to be more transparent about our discussions, decisions, and plans. To that end, we’ve made available the minutes of our October 6 meeting (via Google doc) here. The major work underway is preparing for an open meeting of the NYC DH community (on February 9) and a set of workshops…[Read more]
Monica McCormick and
Margo Padilla are now friends 10 years ago
Monica McCormick and
Zach Coble are now friends 10 years ago
Monica McCormick started the topic Original award announcement, FYI in the forum
Student Digital Award Q&A list 11 years ago
Note: Application deadline is August 1, 2014
We are pleased to announce our first cross-institutional NYC-DH digital humanities graduate student project award. We invite all graduate students in the city of New York to apply. First prize winner(s) will receive a cash prize of $1000. Two runner up positions will…[Read more] -
Monica McCormick joined the group
NYC-DH Student Digital Award Q&A list 11 years ago
Monica McCormick replied to the topic Columbia Summer Course: Digital Humanities Methodology in the forum
NYCDH Announcements 11 years ago
Thanks — I forwarded your message to the NYU DH list.
Monica McCormick replied to the topic Columbia Summer Course: Digital Humanities Methodology in the forum
NYCDH Announcements 11 years ago
Hi, Graham,
Is this a course open to Columbia students only? If not, I’d be happy to spread the word at NYU.
Monica -
Monica McCormick and
sava are now friends 11 years ago
Monica McCormick started the topic THATCamp Newark registration open in the forum
NYCDH Announcements 11 years ago
THATCamp Newark Collaboration will take place April 4, 2014, in the Paul Robeson Campus Center on the Rutgers University – Newark campus.
Newark Collaboration is designed to foster digital humanities partnerships between the universities, colleges, cultural heritage institutions and community partners in Newark, New Jersey. This “…[Read more]
Monica McCormick replied to the topic CUNY DHI Spring Speaker Series in the forum
NYCDH Announcements 11 years ago
Thanks, Amanda –
Can you remind us of the address where these events will happen? I may have missed it, but I don’t see it here or on the CUNY DHI page. Thanks!
– Monica
Monica McCormick and
Steve Brier are now friends 11 years ago
Monica McCormick started the topic DH faculty position at U of Illinois I-School in the forum
NYCDH Announcements 11 years ago
A faculty position that may be of interest to some in this group. Information about how to apply is contained in the message below.
OPEN RANK FACULTY POSITIONGSLIS seeks to hire an outstanding full-time faculty member to join our iSchool. We…[Read more]
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