Elizabeth Cornell's profile was updated 3 years ago
Elizabeth Cornell started the topic Propose a Lightning Talk for DH Week Kick-off Event in the forum
NYCDH Announcements 8 years ago
Got a project you can tell us about in 5 minutes? Tell us about it in a lightning talk at NYC DH Week.
Deadline to submit is Friday, February 3, at 9:00 a.m. If accepted, your talk will be given at the NYC DH Week Kick-off Event, Monday, February 6, sometime between 1:30-2:30 PM. You’ll know if your talk is accepted by the end of the day on…[Read more]
Elizabeth Cornell replied to the topic Call for Applications: NYCDH Graduate Student Project Award in the forum
NYCDH Announcements 9 years ago
The deadline for the third annual cross-institutional NYCDH Digital Humanities Graduate Student Project Award fast approaches. We invite all graduate students attending an institution in New York City or the metropolitan area to apply by Monday, August 15, 2016.
First prize winner will receive a cash prize of $1000. Two runner up positions will…[Read more]
Elizabeth Cornell started the topic Call for Applications: NYCDH Graduate Student Project Award in the forum
NYCDH Announcements 9 years ago
We are pleased to announce our third annual cross-institutional NYCDH digital humanities graduate student project award. We invite all graduate students attending an institution in New York City and the metropolitan area to apply by Monday, August 15, 2016.
First prize winner will receive a cash prize of $1000. Two runner up positions will…[Read more]
Shawn and
Elizabeth Cornell are now friends 9 years ago
Mark Newton and
Elizabeth Cornell are now friends 9 years ago
Elizabeth Cornell started the topic Documentary 2/23: Connecting to Rural America from All Over the World: Hollow in the forum
NYCDH Announcements 10 years ago
Connecting to Rural America from All Over the World: Hollow: An Interactive Documentary
Guided Screening with Elaine McMillion, Documentary Filmmaker; and
Jeff Soyk, Art Director for Design and User ExperienceMonday, February 23, 2015
Lowenstein Hall, South Lounge, Fordham University, Lincoln CenterThe term “documentary” was coi…[Read more]
Elizabeth Cornell started the topic Government With the People: Digital Media & Re/Designing Government Lecture 2/12 in the forum
NYCDH Announcements 10 years ago
Government With the People: Digital Media and Re/Designing Government
Beth Noveck, Former White House Deputy Chief Technology Officer and Director of the White House Open Government Initiative.Thursday, February 12, 2015
Lowenstein Hall, South Lounge, Fordham University, Lincoln Center Campus
Reception with light refreshments will be…[
Elizabeth Cornell started the topic Omeka Workshop Poster in the forum
NYCDH Announcements 10 years ago
Greetings. As you may know, there’s a day-long Omeka workshop taking place at Columbia University on October 16, 9:30-4:30. Alex Gil (Columbia) and Kimon Keramidas (BGC) will lead. The workshop is for all levels. Bring your project, your questions, and your curiosity! A PDF of the poster is attached to this post. If you are not from Columbia,…[Read more]
Elizabeth Cornell started the topic THATCamp Digital Writing needs a few volunteers in the forum
NYCDH Announcements 11 years ago
As you probably know, THATCamp Digital Writing (digitalwriting2014.thatcamp.org) will take place May 2-3, at John Jay College (May 2) and Fordham University’s Lincoln Center Campus (May 3). We need volunteers. We especially need someone who wants to organize a Maker’s Challenge. If you’re interested–half day, whole day, or Maker’s Challenge,…[Read more]
Elizabeth Cornell and
Amanda Licastro are now friends 11 years ago
Elizabeth Cornell started the topic New Group: NYCDH Q&A in the forum
NYCDH Announcements 11 years ago
Please join the NYCDH Q&A. This is a place to ask any question related to the digital humanities. Other DH Q&A forums exist, such as the ACH’s DH Q&A, but here’s a place where we can get to know participants in the NYCDH community as we help each other.
Elizabeth Cornell created the group
NYCDH Q&A 11 years ago
Elizabeth Cornell joined the group
Help and Support 11 years ago
Elizabeth Cornell and
Kathleen Fitzpatrick are now friends 11 years ago
Elizabeth Cornell and
Shana Kimball are now friends 11 years ago
Elizabeth Cornell and
Robin Nagle are now friends 11 years ago
Elizabeth Cornell and
Katina Rogers are now friends 11 years ago
Elizabeth Cornell and
Jennifer Ferretti are now friends 11 years ago
Elizabeth Cornell and
Angus Grieve-Smith are now friends 11 years ago
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