Ralph Baylor started the topic November 18th Open Meeting: NYC Digital Art History Steering Committee in the forum
NYC Digital Art History 8 years ago
The NYC Digital Art History Steering Committee will be holding an open meeting for all NYC DAH members on Friday, November 18th from 3:00 – 5:00pm at the Frick Collection. Please RSVP by sending an email to dahl@frick.org.
Ralph Baylor started the topic Free Workshop 10/21 — Web Archiving and Tools for Preserving Research Resources in the forum
NYC Digital Art History 8 years ago
“Save Your Scholarship: Web Archiving and Tools for Preserving Research Resources”
Friday, October 21, 2016, 4:00-6:00 p.m.
Debbie Kempe and Sumitra Duncan, Frick Art Reference LibraryLocation: Frick Art Reference Library, Small Reading Room
Questions: dahlprograms@frick.org
Cost: Free
Join Us: Registration is required. To RSVP, please contact…[Read more] -
Kimon Keramidas and
Ralph Baylor are now friends 9 years ago
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Center for Digital Research and Scholarship 9 years ago
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Librarians in DH Working Group 9 years ago
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Text Analysis Working Group 9 years ago
Ralph Baylor started the topic 4/7 Free Lecture: Specialization and Diversity in Dutch and Flemish Printmaking in the forum
NYCDH Announcements 9 years ago
Many seventeenth-century Dutch and Flemish painters found it commercially advantageous to specialize in a particular genre, but was the same true for etchers and engravers? In this talk, Matthew Lincoln will demonstrate how quantitative methods are used to assess genre diversity in large databases of prints and paintings, such as the Frick’s M…[Read more]
Ralph Baylor started the topic Free Lecture: Specialization and Diversity in Dutch and Flemish Printmaking in the forum
NYC Digital Art History 9 years ago
Many seventeenth-century Dutch and Flemish painters found it commercially advantageous to specialize in a particular genre, but was the same true for etchers and engravers? In this talk, Matthew Lincoln will demonstrate how quantitative methods are used to assess genre diversity in large databases of prints and paintings, such as the Frick’s M…[Read more]
Ralph Baylor started the topic 3/25 Free Workshop: Creating map-based visualizations with CartoDB in the forum
NYCDH Announcements 9 years ago
In this hands-on workshop Andy Eschbacher and Aurelia Moser demonstrate how to create interactive, map-based data visualizations that can be easily integrated into digital humanities projects. CartoDB is a GIS (geographic information systems) tool that is easy to pick up and learn. Please sign up for a free account before attending the workshop.…[Read more]
Ralph Baylor joined the group
NYCDH Announcements 9 years ago
Ralph Baylor joined the group
NYC Digital Art History 9 years ago
Ralph Baylor changed their profile picture 9 years ago
Ralph Baylor became a registered member 9 years ago