Kimon Keramidas's profile was updated 3 years ago
Kimon Keramidas and
Michael Rios are now friends 3 years ago
Kimon Keramidas started the topic Past NYCDH Week Workshop Organizers: We Need You More Than Ever (Again!) in the forum
NYCDH Announcements 3 years ago
By now, I’m sure you all have received at least one announcement about NYCDH Week 2022. And, I’m sure that you are all aware that this year’s theme is “a href=”https://nycdh.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ff567c975834f110d38fbc34f&id=cb5e7d44af&e=ff76fe9f38”>Support. Considering everything that has happened the past year, we are hoping that…[Read more]
Kimon Keramidas started the topic NYCDH Week 2022, February 7-11 in the forum
NYCDH Announcements 3 years ago
Here comes the 7th Annual NYCDH Week!
The NYCDH Steering Committee is happy to announce the 7th Annual NYCDH Week, February 7-11, 2021. Like last year this year’s format is fully online and will continue to do what it has done for the past six years: Bring together individuals across the region who are interested in digital humanities. At NYCDH W…[Read more]
Kimon Keramidas and
Jenna Freedman are now friends 4 years ago
Kimon Keramidas started the topic Last Call to Register for NYCDH Week Workshops, Demos, and Events! in the forum
NYCDH Announcements 4 years ago
We’ll make this last announcement short.
NYCDH Week has officially begun. The Kickoff Event and Graduate Student Awards are later today and between Tuesday and Friday, there are workshops, demos, and events galore to enjoy. So, don’t miss out as there are still registration slots open, things to learn, and people to…[Read more]
Kimon Keramidas and
Christina Thompson are now friends 4 years ago
Kimon Keramidas started the topic Only Seven Days Until NYCDH Week From Home! in the forum
NYCDH Announcements 4 years ago
Can you believe it? This time next week, we’ll all be eagerly participating in the kickoff event and preparing for sessions to start. We have an exciting slate of workshops, demonstrations, and events and we can’t wait until NYCDH is brightening screens across the region, country, and world. (Shout out here to our WID…[Read more]
Kimon Keramidas started the topic NYCDH Week Workshop Registration Is Open in the forum
NYCDH Announcements 4 years ago
It’s Time to Register for NYCDH Week 2021!!!
The workshops have been submitted, web pages made, and tickets prepared. It’s workshop registration time!!
Our community has come together to create a collection of 28 workshops, demos, and events (with more to come!) covering a wide range of topics. From mapping to network analysis to podcasting to…[Read more]
Kimon Keramidas and
Jared McCormick are now friends 4 years ago
Kimon Keramidas and
Nicole Cote are now friends 4 years ago
Kimon Keramidas and
Iuri Moscardi are now friends 4 years ago
Kimon Keramidas and
Olga Kartashova are now friends 4 years ago
Kimon Keramidas and
Laura Morreale are now friends 4 years ago
Kimon Keramidas and
Andrew Battista are now friends 4 years ago
Kimon Keramidas started the topic NYC Digital Humanities Week 2021: February 8-12 in the forum
NYCDH Announcements 4 years ago
It’s that time of year again!!!
NYCDH is happy to announce the 7th Annual NYCDH Week, February 8-12 2021. NYCDH Week 2021 will move to a fully online format, while continuing to do what it has done for the past six years — bring together individuals across the region who are interested in digital humanities, offering them opportunities to learn…[Read more]
Kimon Keramidas's profile was updated 4 years ago
Kimon Keramidas and
Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy are now friends 5 years ago
Kimon Keramidas started the topic One Week Left to NYCDH Week in the forum
NYCDH Announcements 5 years ago
Workshops have been organized, speakers have been invited, and spaces reserved. We are now officially one week away from NYCDH Week 2020. With more than 40 workshops, demos, and events (our most ever), a robust Kickoff Event on Monday which includes graduate student awards, themed panel, keynote speaker, lightning talks, and the presentation of…[Read more]
Kimon Keramidas replied to the topic Lecture at IFA in the forum
NYCDH Announcements 5 years ago
It would be great if you could submit this as an event as part of NYCDH Week. If you submit it using this form we will tie it into the rest of the week’s activities and promotion: http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2FNYCDH-2020-Form&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNGcV0Wkhri_kHI_3hZ0_M5m4flQdw
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