Our Mission: The New York City Digital Humanities group brings together New York City scholars and members of the GLAM (galleries, libraries, archives, museums) community to talk about, experiment with, collaborate on, teach and learn about, and just generally commune around the digital humanities.
The NYCDH Foundation myth: NYC-DH was conceived the summer of 2011 by a bunch of New Yorkers sitting under the trees at the Digital Humanities conference at Stanford in Palo Alto, California. We returned to NYC determined to foster the kind of supportive, engaged community we ourselves were seeking. News of the burgeoning NYC-DH community spread via friendly conversations, bag lunches, and word of mouth. Once our informal group outgrew our physical meeting rooms, we created this virtual space for collaboration using the Commons In A Box platform.
How to Join the NYCDH Community: Go to the NYCDH Home Page, click the big green “Create an account!” button, fill out the form, and click “Complete Sign Up.” When choosing your affiliation in the drop-down box, if your institution is not listed as a possible choice, please write to us at nycdigitalhumanities@gmail.com and we will add it. Independent scholars should choose “Other.” Membership in NYCDH is at the individual (not institutional) level and in no way requires any institutional affiliation of members. Everyone in NYC who is interested in DH is welcome.
Once your membership is complete, make sure to also join the NYCDH Announcements Group so you get announcements about upcoming events, meetups, etc. There are plenty of other NYC-DH groups to join as well. Check them out and become part of the conversation.
NYCDH Steering Group: We are a non-elected, self-selected group of DH-loving New Yorkers who volunteer our free time toward getting an NYCDH community off the ground, planning and hosting some events, maintaining our community website, and helping others create community conversations. We meet several times a year to coordinate activities, plan events, and organize ways to foster DH in NYC.
Expectations for Steering Group members: members are expected to attend meetings and, once they’ve attended a few times, are expected to volunteer to help us plan and organize NYCDH initiatives. This includes actively participating in Steering Group discussions and decision making, not only at meetings but also on the NYCDH site.
The Steering Group will review group membership once per year, and members who do no meet the above criteria for active participation in the past year will be respectfully invited to step down from the Steering Group.
To contact the steering group or to volunteer to serve on the committee email us at nycdigitalhumanities@gmail.com or request membership in the Steering Group.
We are:
- Patrick Burns, Fordham
- Madiha Choksi, Columbia
- Zach Coble, NYU
- Elizabeth Cornell, Fordham
- Matthew K. Gold, CUNY Graduate Center
- Kimon Keramidas, NYU
- Stephen Klein, CUNY Graduate Center
- Kelley Kreitz, Pace University
- Jesse Merandy, Bard Graduate Center and CUNY Graduate Center
- Lisa Rhody, CUNY Graduate Center
- Andrea Silva, York College
- Chris Alen Sula, Pratt
Credits: The Steering Group thanks the Graduate Center, CUNY for hosting our website, and our individual institutions which have been so generous in providing us with spaces to meet, food for our events, funding for the NYCDH Graduate Student Award, and much more, thereby helping us to build the NYCDH community.