Note to all attendees: Session leaders will contact you with additional information, including a meeting link, for each individual workshop, event, or demonstration. 

Out of the Classroom with Fulcrum: A Digital Note Taking App for Student Fieldwork

For many instructors who teach in New York, the city is seen as a pedagogical asset that can be used to extend their classroom.  As a result, many courses include assignments that ask students to leave campus and to explore, examine, and evaluate the city as primary source material.  At Fordham University, Fulcrum - a […]


Devotion in Virtual Reality: Rome’s Grottapinta – a Demonstration

Columbia (Butler Library room 208B) 535 West 114th St, New York

The madonnelle (street shrines) of Rome are vernacular expressions of religious devotion traced to the thirteenth century. Recent interventions, intended to restore the shrines as important cultural artifacts, inadvertently risk displacing their devotional communities. This demonstration presents an ongoing research project on the perception of a virtual replica of the Grottapinta, in the increasingly touristic […]


Text as Data in the Humanities

Bobst Library, NYU, Room 617 70 Washington Square South, New York

An introduction to computational text analysis for literature with basic introduction to software packages. This workshop is a primer for working with text as data in the humanities. This workshop will cover: gathering text corpora, data cleaning, an introduction to some computational software tools, reading the output and analysis of topic modeling and cluster analysis, […]

Creating Minimal Humanities Projects with Jekyll

Columbia (Butler Library room 305) 535 West 114th St, New York

In this session you will get and overview of how to design and deploy Jekyll sites. You will also learn how to apply this knowledge to many genres in the humanities: archives, exhibits, editions, maps, journals, etc. Equipment: Laptop. Preferably Mac or Linux. If you have a Windows machine, please update to Windows 10. Prerequisites: […]


Zine Union Catalog: Bringing Together Disparate, Unruly Data

Bobst Library, NYU, Room 743 70 Washington Square South, New York

The Zine Union Catalog, or ZineCat, is a catalog built on Collective Access, a digital asset manager similar to, but with more complete metadata connectors than Omeka. ZineCat brings together records from six libraries with wildly different metadata schema. They are public, academic, community, and digital libraries using RDA, xZINECOREx, LibraryThing, and homegrown/standalone schema. Lauren […]


Introduction to OpenRefine

Bobst Library, NYU, Room 743 70 Washington Square South, New York

OpenRefine is a popular open-source application for data analysis, clean up, and enrichment. It can help you prepare your digital humanities dataset for further analysis and visualization through: text filters and facets batch editing assisted clustering of terms splitting and merging values advanced transformations, such as regular expressions It also allows you to export your […]


Digital Tools for Teaching Undergraduate Research: A GIS History of NYC Theatre

Columbia (Butler Library room 208B) 535 West 114th St, New York

In this session we will share the design and implementation of a digital mapping project used in an undergraduate class in theater history. The independent research project utilizes ESRI Story Maps software--a free online GIS software for everyday users. As part of an interdisciplinary course on theater and architecture, students conduct research on historical sites around the city and enter the data into spreadsheets. […]


Git in a Jiff

Studio Lehman, Lehman Social Sciences Library 420 W 118th St, Room 215 International Affairs Building , New York

Learn the basics of using Git to put your projects, articles, and chapters under version control. Then, learn to integrate Git with Visual Studio Code. Equipment Requirements: Attendees should bring their own laptop and pre-install Visual Studio Code.    


Introduction to WebAnno

Studio@Butler 535 W. 114th St., New York

WebAnno is a web-based tool for linguistic annotation (marking up) of text, with layers for morphological, syntactic, and semantic annotation. We will work through tagging named entities and relationships in a text, exporting as a tab-delimited file, and using the annotated text as input into a (Python) machine-learning algorithm for named entity recognition. Equipment Requirements: […]


Getting Started with TEI

CUNY Graduate Center, Room 5307 365 Fifth Avenue, New York

This workshop is a deep introduction to the theory and practice of encoding electronic texts for the humanities. It is designed for students who are interested in the transcription and digitization of manuscripts and print-based texts into diplomatic, digital formats. The workshop contains three parts: first, an overview of TEI and the major schemas; second, […]

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