Note to all attendees: Session leaders will contact you with additional information, including a meeting link, for each individual workshop, event, or demonstration. 

Tome Collaborative Course Publications

This workshop looks at Tome as a tool for publishing media rich, accessible, peer reviewed and preservable publications. Tome is now being developed for use in the classroom as a collaborative, academic writing tool and media archive for faculty and students. Equipment Requirements: Laptop with Wifi capabilities


Starting to Text Mine the Digitized Library with HathiTrust Features.

Pace University, Babble Lab, Rm. 202 41 Park Row, New York

Millions of books have been digitized in the past two decades. Thanks to a 2014 court ruling, about 15 million books are available for computational analysis in the HathiTrust including data about word counts on each individual page. In the next year or two, similar data will become available for JStor and Portico books. This […]


Commons In A Box OpenLab: A Commons for Open Learning

CUNY Graduate Center, Room 5307 365 Fifth Avenue, New York

This workshop introduces Commons In A Box OpenLab: free, open source software that enables anyone to create a commons space specifically designed for open learning, where students, faculty, and staff can collaborate across disciplinary boundaries and share their work openly with one another and the world. Funded by a generous grant from the NEH’s Office […]


Unity for Spatial Research: SpatioScholar

Bobst Library, NYU, Room 619 70 Washington Square S, New York

The workshop will provide participants with an introduction to the SpatioScholar workflow. SpatioScholar is an application developed in Unity for scholarly work that requires spatial and temporal processing and visualization in art/architectural/urban history and heritage studies. SpatioScholar provides a single interface for combining 3D modeled spaces, digitized primary documents, historical data and scholarly research and […]


OpenRefine for Beginners

Fordham Lincoln Center, Quinn Library Room 234 113 W 60th Street, New York

Looking to organize and rearrange a large spreadsheet for a project? Join us for an interactive, step-by-step introduction to OpenRefine, an open source desktop application described as “a powerful tool for working with messy data.” This session will cover OpenRefine basics including editing and reconciling data, transforming data into different formats, and connecting to external […]


Open & Digital Pedagogy: Teaching with WordPress and the CUNY Academic Commons

CUNY Graduate Center, Room C201 365 Fifth Avenue, New York

This workshop will present models and strategies for teaching with Wordpress. We’ll explore open teaching, considering methods and digital tools that allow instructors and their students to engage with wider audiences and public discourses. The workshop will also introduce the CUNY Academic Commons, a WordPress platform for the CUNY community, and demonstrate how this platform […]

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