Note to all attendees: Session leaders will contact you with additional information, including a meeting link, for each individual workshop, event, or demonstration. 

Latest Past Events

Python – A Gentle Introduction

Online New York

A very beginner friendly introduction to Python for the humanities. We will cover basic tools and installation methods, as well as how Python can be used to sort through messy information and automate simple and repetitive tasks. Brief examples will be covered, and we'll talk about how to explore and learn in the future. There [...]


Introduction to Arabic Text Processing with Python and CAMeL Tools

Virtual NY

This workshop introduces the basics of Arabic text processing. The workshop consists of two parts. We first introduce the basic challenges and common tasks associated with Arabic natural language processing. We then present CamelTools, a Python Open-Source toolkit for Arabic processing that addresses the challenges and targets the tasks. The second part of the workshop […]

Working with Open Data – intro to APIs

Columbia (Butler Library room 208B) 535 West 114th St, New York

There is so much data out on the web, knowing how to use APIs will let you explore and collect data in a reliable and efficient way. We will use Python to get data from New York Times archive. Equipment: Laptop, Anaconda Prerequisites: Familiarity with Python and Anaconda    

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