Note to all attendees: Session leaders will contact you with additional information, including a meeting link, for each individual workshop, event, or demonstration. 

Introduction to Scalar

Fordham Lincoln Center, Lowenstein 309 113 W 60th Street, New York, NY, United States

Scalar is a free, open source authoring and publishing platform developed by the University of Southern California that’s designed to make it easy for authors (faculty or students) to write long-form, born-digital scholarship online. Projects that are best suited to Scalar are media rich and able to take advantage of the unique capabilities of digital […]

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Introduction to Humanities Commons

NYU Center for Humanities, Classroom 14 University Place, New York, NY, United States

Imagine a humanities network with the sharing power of, the archival quality of an institutional repository, and a commitment to using and contributing to open source software. Now imagine that this network is not-for-profit. It doesn’t want to sell your data or generate profit from your intellectual property. That’s Humanities Commons. Humanities Commons wants […]


Introduction to Manifold Scholarship

CUNY Graduate Center, Room 5307 365 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY

This workshop introduces participants to Manifold Scholarship, a Mellon-funded digital publishing platform developed by The CUNY Graduate Center, The University of Minnesota Press and Cast Iron Coding. Manifold can be used to create attractive multimodal publications and customized teaching copies of literature in the public domain. Presenters will provide an overview of Manifold and demonstrate […]


Edition Launch: Secrets of Craft and Nature in Renaissance France by the Making and Knowing Project

Columbia University, Fayerweather Hall, Room 513 1180 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, NY, United States

Join the Making and Knowing Project for the release of its digital critical edition of the sixteenth-century art and technical manuscript, BnF Ms. Fr. 640. Five years in the making, Secrets of Craft and Knowledge in Renaissance France: A Digital Critical Edition of BnF Ms. Fr. 640 resulted from collaborative pedagogy and research. The edition allows users […]

Publishing with Manifold

CUNY Graduate Center, Room 5307 365 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY

Manifold Scholarship invites teachers and scholars to learn how to publish materials on Manifold, a digital platform for scholarly publishing. Participants will learn how to turn a Google Doc into a polished publication or create a mobile-friendly version of a public domain text. Manifold Graduate Fellow Jojo Karlin will lead a quick introduction to putting […]


Tome Collaborative Course Publications

NYU 20 Cooper Square 20 Cooper Square, 2nd floor, New York, NY, United States

This workshop looks at Tome as a tool for publishing media rich, accessible, peer reviewed and preservable publications. Tome is now being developed for use in the classroom as a collaborative, academic writing tool and media archive for faculty and students. Equipment Requirements: Laptop with Wifi capabilities


Introduction to Manifold Scholarship

Virtual NY, United States

Please join the GC Digital Initiatives for this workshop on Manifold Scholarship, a Mellon-funded digital publishing platform developed by the CUNY Graduate Center, The University of Minnesota Press, and Cast Iron Coding. Learn about how Manifold allows you to create beautiful, dynamic projects that can include text, images, video, embedded resources, and social annotation. We […]


Gitsertation: Scholarly Workflows with Git, Pandoc, and Zotero

Online New York, NY, United States

This workshop demonstrates how to use Git to manage a project. Concretely, we will be using the Git integration in VSCode along with the programs Pandoc and Zotero to create plain text documents that can be compiled, with citations, into Microsoft Word (or Google Docs) documents. The workshop assumes some familiarity with Zotero ( and [...]

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