Note to all attendees: Session leaders will contact you with additional information, including a meeting link, for each individual workshop, event, or demonstration. 

International and Interdisciplinary: Collaborations in DH Research

NYU, 19 Washington Square North 19 Washington Square North, New York

Digital Humanities take on a different flavor when they cross borders. This panel will discuss perspectives and challenges for international and interdisciplinary collaboration in digital humanities research and training. After lightning talks by panelists, four of whom are just returning from the NYU Abu Dhabi Winter Institute in Digital Humanities (, we will have a […]

Exploring Immersive & Spatial Technology for the Humanities

Newmark Graduate School of Journalism, Room 444 219 W 40th St, Fl 3, New York

Join this session to explore new virtual and augmented reality tools and examples and hear from two practitioners and teachers at CUNY, Dominika Ksel and Andrew Demirjian. We’ll look at everything from 3D model and video capture to augmented reality that works in a smartphone web browser. These tools can be applied to research, public […]


NYCDH Wikipedia Edit-A-Thon

Fordham University's Rose Hill Campus, Keating 124 441 East Fordham Road, Bronx

Wikipedia for Educators at Fordham in partnership with Wikimedia NYC will host this Edit-a-thon at Fordham University’s Rose Hill Campus. The edit-a-thon will include tutorials for the beginner Wikipedian, editing support, reference materials, and refreshments. This event is free and open to the public. People of all gender identities and expressions are invited to participate. [...]


Digital Humanities for Teens at the New-York Historical Society

New-York Historical Society 170 Central Park West, New York

Learn about Digital Humanities programs for high school students at the New-York Historical Society! N-YHS offers a wide array of DH afterschool programs in it's new Tech Commons @ New-York Historical, a state-of-the-art digital media lab where teens conduct research and create creative digital projects to share their scholarship. Get a hands-on look at our […]


The Helen Keller Archive: A Fully Accessible Digital Archive

Pace University, 1 Pace Plaza, Birnbaum Library, Fishbowl Room 1 Pace Plaza, New York

American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) staff, and members of the project team will demonstrate the features of AFB’s fully accessible digital Helen Keller Archive. This digital collection is pioneering in that it is accessible to visitors who are blind, deaf, hard of hearing and deafblind, as well as sighted and hearing audiences. Helen Keller […]


A Project-Ready Approach to Teaching Visual Cultures: Replacing the Textbook with a Flexible, Scalable Database

NYU, 726 Broadway, 6th Floor, Conference Room B 726 Broadway, New York

In this demonstration, attendees will learn about building a flexible, platform neutral textbook replacement using low tech collaborative tools. The resulting data set can be published to a variety of display platforms (such as WordPress or Omeka) in addition to being available for faculty and student projects such as maps, timelines, and exhibits. Participants will […]


Digital Tools for Students as Producers of Public Scholarship

Brooklyn College, Room 412 2900 Bedford Avenue, Room 412, New York

This open pedagogy demonstration illustrates different ways of enacting the belief that students, as part of the their learning, can be- and should be- not only consumers of knowledge but also producers of it. This digital tools demonstration includes annotation software such as and Slack, Story Maps other Web-based mapping, podcasting tools and platforms […]


Make a Simple Webmap with Leaflet

Learn to make a website from scratch that features a simple webmap with Leaflet. Prerequisites: HTML and JavaScript knowledge is useful but not required. Equipment Requirements: Attendees should bring their own laptop and pre-install Visual Studio Code.   Lehman Library 215 SIPA building 420 W 118th


Information Visualization Open House

Explore examples of data visualization in the Library's historic collections. The New York Public Library's Center for Research in the Humanities (2nd Floor Stephen A. Schwarzman Building) invites teaching faculty, students, information professionals and others to a reception and open house focusing on both historic and current data visualization projects and collections items. The event […]

An Introduction to Wikidata

METRO 599 11th Avenue, 8th floor, New York

This workshop has been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. Please accept our apologies for this late notice. If Wikipedia aims to provide access to the sum of all human knowledge, Wikidata aims to structure it. The newest project of the Wikimedia movement, Wikidata is a collaboratively edited, free repository of linked open data that connects […]


NLP for non-data scientists – Event Extraction

Columbia (Butler Library room 208B) 535 West 114th St, New York

The amount of text data available is mind-boggling. We will explore programatic approaches to identify information about what happened and when it happened by gathering knowledge from text. Equipment: Python, Anaconda, Laptop Prerequisites: Working familiarly with Python  


The Social Backend: Community-Driven Digital Archives and Exhibits

CUNY Graduate Center, Skylight Room 365 5th Ave, New York

Do you want to connect the public with digital archives? In this talk, public historian and digital humanist Mary Rizzo will use her work on community-driven digital archives and exhibits to help you make those connections. Through case studies of exhibits on police reform and LGBTQ history, she will discuss how to work with communities […]

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